Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 9, 2011

Unique crafts for home: rose pillows tutorial

Rosette Pillow

I just didn't have a spot in my house where the yellow would work.  That, and it's no longer available.  So, I attempted to make my own, and I really like how it turned out.  If you want to make one too, here's what you do!

Rosette Pillow

Here's what you'll need:

  • fabric for the body of the pillow (I used a grain sack found at a flea market for, wait for it... FREE!)

  • fabric for the rosettes (you'll need 1 1/2 yards)

  • piping (I bought mine premade, 2 1/2 yards)

  • pillow form (mine was 18x18)

  • scissors

  • tape measure

  • pins

  • sewing machine and thread

  • foot attachment for sewing on piping

  • Iron and ironing board

And let me forewarn you, I am self taught when it comes to sewing.  I don't know all the technical terms.  I just do what works for me :)
STEP ONE:  Cut fabric for the rosettes.  You will need 9 strips of fabric, 5 inches wide by whatever your fabric measures from selvedge to selvedge (usually 45 inches).
STEP TWO:  Fold in each long side toward the center about a 1/2 inch and press with iron

STEP THREE:  Fold in half long ways and press with iron.  Sort of like a big piece of bias tape.

Do this with all nine strips. 

You will not need to reopen the folds, but this is what the creases will look like if done properly

STEP FOUR: Create the rosettes.  Lay one strip of fabric down with the open side of the fold facing right.  Bring the rest of the strip up and over to the right so that it forms a 90 degree angle in the center and press with iron.

   Bring the rest of the fabric up to form another 90 degree angle in the center and press with iron.

Now bring the rest of the fabric down and over to the left to complete the base of the rosette and again press with iron.  This part will determine the width of the rosette (mine was 5 inches wide).

Keep repeating the same process bringing the fabric in closer to the center each time.  Keep pressing with your iron to keep everything somewhat in place.

When you get to where you have about 10 inches of fabric left in length, fold long ways and press.

Now repeat the same process of folding the fabric in towards the center.

Stop when you have about 5 inches of fabric left in length.

Now instead of folding the fabric, start rolling it in towards the center and tuck the last bit of fabric behind the center of the rosette.  Give it a really good press with the iron.  Pressing with the iron will help you know where each of your folds are when you take it to your sewing machine.  Much less frustration that way :) 

Now you've just got to do that 8 more times! 
STEP FIVE: Sew the rosette's layers together.  Unfold the rosette (this is where pressing the folds comes in handy) and begin sewing at the first fold.

Once you get over the fold stop with the needle down in the fabric, release the pressure on your foot, and rotate the rosette clockwise.  Place the pressure foot back down and start sewing again until you cross over the next fold.  Keep repeating this process until you get to where you started rolling the fabric (the center of the rosette).

Refold/roll the center of the rosette back into place and stitch down using a needle and thread.

WAHOO!!!  You're done with the rosettes!

Whew!  Still with me?

STEP SIX: Cut your fabric for the pillow.  I used my awesome FREE grain sack.  My pillow form was 18x18 so I cut my piece for the front of the pillow 19x19 (allowing for a 1/2 inch seam allowance on each side).  I did an envelope closure for the back so I cut two pieces at 19x12 each.  The top of my grain sack was finished so I cut my back pieces keeping this in mind.  This might make more sense later on.

STEP SEVEN: Pin your piping into place on the front piece of fabric.  When you get to the corners, cut a series of slits into the piping to allow it to curve nicely. 

STEP EIGHT: Bust out your sewing foot for piping and sew down your piping all the way around, overlapping the beginning and end of the piping. 
STEP NINE:   Place your rosettes onto the front piece of the pillow and pin in place.

 STEP TEN: You can either tack them into place by hand, or use your sewing machine.  I used my machine and just stitched around the inside of the base "petals".

 View from the back after rosettes are sew on

STEP ELEVEN:  Pin the back two pieces to the front of the pillow, right sides facing each other.  The finished edges of the two back pieces should be towards the center of the pillow, one piece laying about 5 inches over the other at the center point.  Of course, out of all the bazillion pictures I took for this project, I don't have one of this!  But, this is what the back looks like when finished.

STEP TWELVE: Using your piping foot, sew the back pieces in place.  The easiest way I've found to do this without messing up the piping is to turn the pillow around so that the backside of the front of the pillow is facing up (like the picture in Step 10).  That way you can stitch directly over your previous stitches, using them as a guide.  Stitch all the way around the pillow.  You don't need to leave an opening since you're doing an envelope back.

STEP THIRTEEN: Trim any excess fabric and turn the pillow inside out.

STEP FOURTEEN: Insert pillow form.

STEP FIFTEEN: Admire your work and pat yourself on the back!

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ngâm chua Món nướng Món súp và canh Món tay cầm Món trẻ em Món xào Món xôi Môi Trường Quanh Ta Mù-tạc xanh wasabi Mua Sắm Hàng Chay Mực thuần chay Mướp hương Mướp tây Mứt Mứt mận nail Nail art Nam Dương Nam việt quất Nấm Nấm bào ngư Nấm dẻ Nấm Đông Cô Nấm đông cô tươi Nấm hào Nấm hầu thủ Nấm hương Nấm khô Nấm kim Nấm mèo Nấm mực Nấm nút Nấm porcini Nấm portobello Nấm rơm Nấm sò Nấm trà Nấm trai Nấm tuyết necklace Nếp Nếp Sống Ăn Chay Nga Ngải búng Nghệ Ngũ cốc Người Trường Chay Ngưu báng Nhà đẹp Nhãn khô Nhật Bản Nho Nho đen Nho khô Nói Không Với Ma Túy Nói Không Với Phá Thai Nói Không Với Rượu Nói Không Với Thuốc Lá Nội thất Nội thất gỗ Nội thất nhà bếp Nội thất phòng tắm Nội thất Văn Phòng Nui Odika Oregano khô Origami Ô-liu Ớt chuông Ớt đỏ Ớt jalapeno Ớt ngọt Ớt xanh Ớt xào xanh painting Paper Patchwork Pháp Phi Luật Tân Phim Hoạt Họa Phó-mát kem đậu hủ Phó-mát thuần chay Phong thủy Phòng Trẻ Em Phổ tai Phở khô pictures Pillows plastic poncho Quả bơ Quả dâu Quả lạc tiên Quả lai Quả mâm xôi Quả mận Quả mơ Quả Ngon Quả sung Quách Tĩnh-Hoàng Dung Ăn Chay Quán Chay Nở Rộ Quilling paper Quilt Rau argula Rau cải sợi Rau cải thập cẩm Rau dền Rau đậu thập cẩm Rau muống Rau Tươi Rau xanh recycle recycling repair work Rễ sâm ribbon Riềng rings Rong biển Rong biển non Rong biển wakame rugs Sà-lách Sà-lách búp Sà-lách son Sà-lách tròn Saigon Pearl Sắt thép thế giới Sắt thép Việt Nam Sầu riêng scarves Semolina sewing shawls shoes and sandals Siberia skirt Slovenia soap socks Sofa Sô-cô-la Sống Đẹp Sống Xanh Su su Sudan Súp Sữa chua Sữa đậu nành Sữa gạo Sứa thuần chay Sức Khỏe Của Bạn Sườn thuần chay Sương sáo sweater tablecloths Tài Nguyên: Nước Táo Tảo bẹ Tảo biển Tảo đỏ vụn Táo Tàu Tàu hủ ky Tàu hủ ky non Tàu hủ ky tươi Tàu xì Tân Gia Ba Tây Ban Nha Tempeh Thạch dừa Thạch rau câu Thái Lan Thì là Thị trường nội thất Thiên Nhiên Thư Giãn Thiết kế phòng karaoke Thịt bê thuần chay Thịt bò chay Thịt bò chay khô Thịt bò chay loại trong hộp Thịt bò chay mỏng Thịt bò chay vụn loại trong hộp Thịt chay Thịt chay khô loại vụn Thịt chay khô miếng lớn Thịt chay khô mỏng Thịt chay khô tròn Thịt chay khô vụn Thịt chay nhão thuần chay Thịt chay sợi khô Thịt chay vụn Thịt giò thuần chay Thịt heo chay khô Thịt khô chay mỏng màu nâu Thịt quay thuần chay Thịt steak thuần chay Thịt thuần chay Thức uống Tin Tức Tin Vui Ăn Chay Tóc tiên Togo Tôm càng bơ thuần chay Tôm chay Tôm thuần chay Tôm viên chay Trà Trái hoa hồng Trang trí cầu thang Trang trí nhà đẹp Trang trí nội thất Trang trí phòng khách Trang trí phòng làm việc Trang trí phòng ngủ Trung Hoa Truyền Thống Ăn Chay Tutorial Tutorial video Tùy Bút Tươi sống Tương Cự Đà Tương đậu cay Tương miso Tương ngọt TV Úc Đại Lợi underwear Valentine's day Văn Hóa Việt Nam Vật liệu xây dựng Vệ sinh nội thất Vi cá thuần chay Vì Sao Ăn Chay Video video tutorial Việt Nam Vịt thuần chay Vịt chay quay vàng Vịt quay thuần chay Vỏ bánh chả giò Vỏ bánh puff pastry Vỏ bánh xếp Vỏ Shaddock Vũ Trụ Bao La Vườn Nhạc weaving wedding wood Xí muội 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